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Libertarian Party Nh

Inside the Battle Over the Soul of the Libertarian Party

A social media struggle in the.

The Libertarian Party is the only political party that respects your rights as a unique and competent individual We want a system that allows all people to choose what they want.

The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire (LPNH) is the New Hampshire affiliate of the Libertarian Party, the third-largest political party in the United States. The party has been in a state of turmoil in recent months, as a social media struggle has erupted over the party's direction.

On one side of the divide are libertarians who believe that the party should focus on its core principles of individual liberty and limited government. On the other side are libertarians who believe that the party needs to broaden its appeal by adopting more progressive positions on social issues.

The social media struggle has been particularly intense on Facebook, where the LPNH has two competing pages. One page is run by the party's official leadership, while the other is run by a group of dissident libertarians.

The dissident libertarians have accused the party's leadership of being too authoritarian and of silencing dissent. The party's leadership has accused the dissident libertarians of being divisive and of trying to hijack the party.

The social media struggle has spilled over into the real world, as the two sides have held competing events and rallies.

The outcome of the struggle is uncertain. However, it is clear that the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire is at a crossroads. The party must decide whether it will continue to focus on its core principles or whether it will adopt more progressive positions in order to broaden its appeal.


